Death Has No Shame
2009 January 28
I saw a naked boy in the street
asking for money from passing cars.
He reminded me of death:
covered in dust,
looking for what the living
would give up.
The kids on the bus
threw candy at him
and laughed
when the pieces hit him
in the face,
as he scrambled
to pick them up
from the dirt.
The kids on the bus
were laughing,
and I was afraid,
knowing that death,
being naked,
has no shame.
Before he passed out of sight
I noticed the boy
was not laughing.
He was looking for more.
3 Responses
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I like this..
Moving…simply because its a reality in every city and village in the world. Sad reality, helpless in our warm homes – looking out into the snow and laughing – not thinking of those “dead”… not being able to without feeling the weight of that which we cannot change. Painfully accurate.
Wow I like it!
I can see this sad scene almost every day in my country, thanks for your sensibility!
I admire you.