Murdered by Suicide: For Ingrid Jonker
I can’t remember, baby,
What colours were your eyes;
I never came so near to
You to realize
Their deep intricacies.
I met you once, remember,
And you mistook me for
Another–but I tremble
When I recall that your
Body looked so young for eyes of such deep loss, such deep remorse.
Remembering that meeting
And how your passion took
The breath from me, I know your bleeding
Death must be a dark mistake
Numb hands stole from a book.
Baby, bodies fumble
Through agonies of self
And others who dissemble
Life and identity: they halve
Our love. But can dead hatred help?
You sang of a dead baby
A simple lullaby.
You sang to a small body
Of life. How could you die?
You told us to remember. Why?
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