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Dr. Quigley Moved Away from Hamburgers

2008 December 6
by J. Scott Mosel

Whimpy Had It Right

Dr. Quigley moved away
from hamburgers.

Lately, he decided to eat
Indian food:

Korma, Vandalu, and Naan
have a way of lifting the soul

of a man and then some:
warmth enters the room

to illuminate figures
dancing together near the kitchen

window: their bodies
painted blue, almost a ripe

nudity, eyes swollen
with faith

toes pressed
with blood,

but Neruda
baking Odes

and Rilke
sifting angel dust

caught his attention
in the end,

a translucent layer just enough
to spell heaven

with his finger,
or at least a place

where he could believe
in the eschatology of things:

he had never had a view
of the universe

that was entirely satisfying.

2 Responses
  1. Metaphorical Moses permalink
    December 6, 2008

    I think Wimpy had it right.

  2. December 7, 2008

    Yes, many problems for the writer appear in this poem. Most of them revolve around the issue of voice. The voice of Dr. Quigley is strong in the first half of the poem, and then the freak author takes over and grinds this poem down to nothing but philosophical hamburger; not that there is anything wrong with hamburger, of course. Wimpy did have it right. By the way, just who is Metaphorical Moses, and what tablets will decend from the mountain?

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